Memphis Area Association of Governments
The Memphis Area Association of Governments (MAAG) serves the municipal governments and their leaders in the five-county Memphis Metropolitan region. Its mission is to provide planning, coordination and support to local governments and residents in the area. To better serve the community, MAAG decided to revamp its website.
Our website redesign process began with a review of the old website and its content to identify areas that needed improvement. We aimed to make the website more user-friendly with a focus on providing easy access to high value content, with county demographic information and various programs MAAG offers to leaders in our region being at the top of the list.
LAB integrated ERSI digital maps that feature a rich set of information about the residents in each census tract for each county. This information includes demographic data, such as age, gender, race and income; as well as data regarding education, housing, and health. In addition to this information, we included custom-drawn maps for each county highlighting key features such as major roads, schools, hospitals and parks. These maps were designed to provide a comprehensive view of each county and its residents to help decision-makers better understand the needs of their communities and make informed policy decisions.
There is a wealth of information about the various programs MAAG offers our region including Planning and Graphical Information Systems (GIS) help and coordination for communities. Also, MAAG offers Community Development programs such as Housing advisory, Emergency Home Repair grants and Solid Waste and Transportation planning.
We developed a new website for MAAG with a fresh and verdant color scheme that showcases each county through carefully selected imagery. The site is built on WordPress CMS which is known for its user-friendly interface and robust features. This makes it easy for MAAG’s internal team to update and maintain content regularly. With this new website design, MAAG can connect with the region’s leaders more effectively.
The Memphis Area Association of Governments (MAAG) serves the municipal governments and their leaders in the five-county Memphis Metropolitan region. Its mission is to provide planning, coordination and support to local governments and residents in the area. To better serve the community, MAAG decided to revamp its website.
Our website redesign process began with a review of the old website and its content to identify areas that needed improvement. We aimed to make the website more user-friendly with a focus on providing easy access to high value content, with county demographic information and various programs MAAG offers to leaders in our region being at the top of the list.
LAB integrated ERSI digital maps that feature a rich set of information about the residents in each census tract for each county. This information includes demographic data, such as age, gender, race and income; as well as data regarding education, housing, and health. In addition to this information, we included custom-drawn maps for each county highlighting key features such as major roads, schools, hospitals and parks. These maps were designed to provide a comprehensive view of each county and its residents to help decision-makers better understand the needs of their communities and make informed policy decisions.
There is a wealth of information about the various programs MAAG offers our region including Planning and Graphical Information Systems (GIS) help and coordination for communities. Also, MAAG offers Community Development programs such as Housing advisory, Emergency Home Repair grants and Solid Waste and Transportation planning.
We developed a new website for MAAG with a fresh and verdant color scheme that showcases each county through carefully selected imagery. The site is built on WordPress CMS which is known for its user-friendly interface and robust features. This makes it easy for MAAG’s internal team to update and maintain content regularly. With this new website design, MAAG can connect with the region’s leaders more effectively.





Calendar of Events

Custom Styled MapsESRI Demographic Info Integration

News Stories

Team & Board Member Directory

Rotating Testimonials