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Email Marketing

Support your marketing goals through targeted and relevant messaging.

A tried and truly effective way to reach and retain customers.

Cost-Effective, Relevant Marketing that Gets Results

Email marketing is one of the most successful and also cost-effective types of marketing campaigns you can use. Not only does email marketing reach a lot of people, it does so at a much lower cost than TV or radio advertising.

In essence, email marketing consists of sending out various emails to a list of people that are interested in a particular subject. The reason why email marketing campaigns are so successful is the fact that the entire list of people that are receiving the email have demonstrated an interest in a certain area.

For example, a workout supplement company may create a list of emails of people that are interested in exercise and nutrition. They may obtain these emails by simply asking for an email address when selling a product, offer a free informational gift online, or provide something else of value to someone that is interested in general health and well being. Offering a gift, discount or other promotional item entices your prospective customers to give you their email address, which is then used to compile a list for a marketing campaign.

Why Email Campaigns Deliver More for Your Marketing Buck

Once your company has an email list, you can then use that list to market your products and services to people who have already expressed an interest in what the company is providing. This usually results in a much higher open rate, and can dramatically cut down on the amount of time and money that is required to sell a product on a large scale.

Companies that implement email marketing campaigns often sell more products, but much of what makes email marketing truly successful really comes down to developing an email list in the first place. Making sure that the recipients of your marketing emails are people who are really interested in what you have to sell is one of the biggest keys to success with this marketing technique.

Why Use an Email Marketing Service?

If you’ve been compiling an email list but haven’t known exactly what to do with it, we can help.

Although you can certainly write and send out your own marketing emails, many companies prefer to outsource this task to a company like LAB Digital that is familiar with what it takes to create and run a successful email marketing campaign. We know what it takes to craft marketing email messages that will get opened, grab the reader’s attention and convince them to click through to your website.



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