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7 Website Problems that are Scaring Off Customers

7 Website Problems that are Scaring Off Customers This time of year is full of ghosts and goblins and all the scary things. However, you should leave the scares to your Halloween festivities and not on your website. Today we’re talking about seven website problems...

7 Local Marketing Mistakes Businesses Make

7 Local Marketing Mistakes Businesses Make Alan Hudgins Co-Founder & Creative Director Most business owners are aware of the importance of marketing, but according to Forbes, one in five business don’t do any type of marketing. However, marketing to a local area...

Bigger is Better Unless You’re a Business Logo

Bigger is Better Unless You’re a Business Logo It’s one of the most common requests we get at LAB. When building a new website, some clients inevitably want their logo to be bigger. But contrary to almost every other aspect of life, bigger is not always better in logo...